A teacher and a student is at the heart of every profession. Teaching is at the core of what we do at D+WC. In fact, our founder was a teacher before entering the physical therapy profession. He also served as an Adjunct Professor at three universities bringing real world experiences to the classroom.

Although we appreciate client outsourced service requests, our preference is to teach and mentor others to deal with their own unique challenges. D+WC subscribes to the “teach them to fish rather than provide fish” solutions approach. Health care delivery systems, workers’ compensation, disability and rehabilitation sectors are very complex, dynamic and no one entity (including D+WC) has all of the answers. However, we desire to partner with our clients in order to jointly discover the most cost effective, value-driven solutions to disability challenges. We can provide customized educational modules for your talented staff through virtually any training methodology. We can also develop turnkey programs, training manuals, and policy & procedures for your use only.